The acoustical properties are excellent, although the alphorn is extremely lightweight. With this alphorn one need not fear the combination of humidity and temperature. It will not crack because of adverse conditions. In fact, it may be disassembled entirely from time to time, and washed and dried to remove any dirt, dust or foreign material.
The basic Swiss Carbon Alphorn is telescopic in ten sections - Because of the precise machining and manufacturing techniques, it is absolutely airtight.
The complete Swiss Carbon Alphorn is in six tonalities - G, F#, F, E, Eb and D. Unlike the typical wooden alphorn, the Swiss Carbon Alphorn is INFINITELY tunable (listen to www.swisscarbonalphorn.net). A separate section which incorporates a tuning device can be substituted for Section #2, making the G, F# and F tonalities tunable. With or without this special section, each of the three lower tonalities, E, Eb and D, consist of a three-piece section which is tunable within itself.
The pitch is excellent throughout the entire range and the response is quick and clean from the lowest to the highest harmonics.
Besides an alphorn in six tonalities, this instrument can be transformed into a horn without a bell, more correctly called a Buchel (or bugle) in Bb, Ab, G, F#, F or E.
If one has interest in the Australian didjeridoo, five of these can be formed as well - one can assemble a Bass, Baritone, Tenor, Alto or Soprano.
The playing of the didjeridoo can be made more comfortable with a special section with a wax-like rim.
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