Barack Obama denounced the Reverend Jeremiah Wright-- his pastor of the past twenty years-- in his strongest language to date.
Obama told reporters that Wright's comments this week do not accurately reflect the person he met 20 years ago and were disrespectful to the senator personally.
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Mittwoch, April 30, 2008
Obama denounces his former pastor
Barack Obama denounced the Reverend Jeremiah Wright-- his pastor of the past twenty years-- in his strongest language to date.
Obama told reporters that Wright's comments this week do not accurately reflect the person he met 20 years ago and were disrespectful to the senator personally.
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Obama told reporters that Wright's comments this week do not accurately reflect the person he met 20 years ago and were disrespectful to the senator personally.
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Dienstag, April 29, 2008
swissinfo neu mit worldwide claim

swiss news, world wide
Schweizer News – weltweit
L’actualité suisse dans le monde
L’informazione svizzera nel mondo
Notícias da Suíça para o mundo
Noticias Suizas al ritmo del mundo
Der Claim „Schweizer News – weltweit“ richtet sich sowohl an ein internationales Publikum wie an die AuslandschweizerInnen. Er wurde kreiert, um unser Produkt in einem internationalen Kontext zu positionieren und um zu unterstreichen, welche Art von Inhalt wir auf der Website anbieten. Der Claim musste in allen unseren Sprachen anwendbar sein und den gleichen Kriterien entsprechen. Er wurde übersetzt und jeder Sprache angepasst.
Das Logo mit Claim erscheint ab heute auf allen unseren neu gestalteten Sites. Es wird auf der chinesischen, japanischen und arabischen Site aufgeschalten, sobald der Relaunch diesen Sommer erfolgt.
So sieht der Claim auf der Seite aus
swissinfo neu mit worldwide claim

swiss news, world wide
Schweizer News – weltweit
L’actualité suisse dans le monde
L’informazione svizzera nel mondo
Notícias da Suíça para o mundo
Noticias Suizas al ritmo del mundo
Der Claim „Schweizer News – weltweit“ richtet sich sowohl an ein internationales Publikum wie an die AuslandschweizerInnen. Er wurde kreiert, um unser Produkt in einem internationalen Kontext zu positionieren und um zu unterstreichen, welche Art von Inhalt wir auf der Website anbieten. Der Claim musste in allen unseren Sprachen anwendbar sein und den gleichen Kriterien entsprechen. Er wurde übersetzt und jeder Sprache angepasst.
Das Logo mit Claim erscheint ab heute auf allen unseren neu gestalteten Sites. Es wird auf der chinesischen, japanischen und arabischen Site aufgeschalten, sobald der Relaunch diesen Sommer erfolgt.
So sieht der Claim auf der Seite aus
Sonntag, April 27, 2008
Swiss Jew remembering 1948, when Israel was founded

He says he can represent both the Swiss and Jewish point of view as a result of a double sensitivity. In the 1990ies Bloch was instrumental in helping to settle a dispute over Switzerland's role during World War Two, including its restrictive policy towards the Jewish community
Read the whole interview
Swiss Jew remembering 1948, when Israel was founded

He says he can represent both the Swiss and Jewish point of view as a result of a double sensitivity. In the 1990ies Bloch was instrumental in helping to settle a dispute over Switzerland's role during World War Two, including its restrictive policy towards the Jewish community
Read the whole interview
Birds Nest: Beijing National Stadium
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The Birds Nest (click picture) |
The Beijing National Stadium (traditional Chinese: 北京國家體育場; simplified Chinese: 北京国家体育场; Hanyu Pinyin: Běijīng Guójiā Tǐyùchǎng; Tongyong Pinyin: Běijīng Guójiā Tǐyùchǎng), also known as the National Stadium,[1] or the "Bird's Nest" (鳥巢) for its architecture, is a stadium under construction on the Olympic Green in Beijing, China that is scheduled for completion in March, 2008[2]. The stadium will host the main track and field competitions for the 2008 Summer Olympics, as well as the opening and closing ceremonies. It is located right next to the Beijing National Aquatics Centre.
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Birds Nest: Beijing National Stadium
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The Birds Nest (click picture) |
The Beijing National Stadium (traditional Chinese: 北京國家體育場; simplified Chinese: 北京国家体育场; Hanyu Pinyin: Běijīng Guójiā Tǐyùchǎng; Tongyong Pinyin: Běijīng Guójiā Tǐyùchǎng), also known as the National Stadium,[1] or the "Bird's Nest" (鳥巢) for its architecture, is a stadium under construction on the Olympic Green in Beijing, China that is scheduled for completion in March, 2008[2]. The stadium will host the main track and field competitions for the 2008 Summer Olympics, as well as the opening and closing ceremonies. It is located right next to the Beijing National Aquatics Centre.
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Samstag, April 26, 2008
Beijing's New Skyline Look
Architects in Beijing have turned some pretty outlandish designs into reality since the Olympics was awarded to the Chinese capital. Sky's China Correspondent, Peter Sharp, visits some of the best and speaks to those responsible for the construction.
Beijing's New Skyline Look
Architects in Beijing have turned some pretty outlandish designs into reality since the Olympics was awarded to the Chinese capital. Sky's China Correspondent, Peter Sharp, visits some of the best and speaks to those responsible for the construction.
Freitag, April 25, 2008
Connecting human rights to the environment

Bangladesh has been suffering unusually heavy flooding. As sea levels rise and droughts become more common, the human rights of those affected must not be forgotten, an international conference in Lucerne has heard.
According to participants, environmental change is likely to hit poorer countries the hardest, but richer nations like Switzerland can help tackle the problem.
"Climate change is not only about reducing carbon emissions to eliminate carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, it's also about the victims," said Jorge Daniel Taillant, director of the Argentina-based Center for Human Rights and Environment.
Connecting human rights to the environment

Bangladesh has been suffering unusually heavy flooding. As sea levels rise and droughts become more common, the human rights of those affected must not be forgotten, an international conference in Lucerne has heard.
According to participants, environmental change is likely to hit poorer countries the hardest, but richer nations like Switzerland can help tackle the problem.
"Climate change is not only about reducing carbon emissions to eliminate carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, it's also about the victims," said Jorge Daniel Taillant, director of the Argentina-based Center for Human Rights and Environment.
Donnerstag, April 24, 2008
Historian exposes secret wartime refugees

Some 500 Nazis, Italian fascists and supporters of the French Vichy regime found shelter in Switzerland at the end of the Second World War, says a Swiss historian.
swissinfo talked to Luc van Dongen who has opened the Pandora's box of the 1943-1954 period, throwing light on Swiss asylum policy and uncovering the traces of numerous highly controversial political and economic refugees.
Van Dongen's recently published book, "Un purgatoire très discret" (A very discreet purge), is based on ten years' work going through archives in Bern, Berlin, London, Paris and Washington.
Historian exposes secret wartime refugees

Some 500 Nazis, Italian fascists and supporters of the French Vichy regime found shelter in Switzerland at the end of the Second World War, says a Swiss historian.
swissinfo talked to Luc van Dongen who has opened the Pandora's box of the 1943-1954 period, throwing light on Swiss asylum policy and uncovering the traces of numerous highly controversial political and economic refugees.
Van Dongen's recently published book, "Un purgatoire très discret" (A very discreet purge), is based on ten years' work going through archives in Bern, Berlin, London, Paris and Washington.
Dienstag, April 22, 2008
UBS chairman: Kurer replaces Ospel

Shareholders at Switzerland's biggest bank, UBS, will decide on Wednesday if its chief legal expert is a suitable replacement for Marcel Ospel as chairman of the troubled group.
Peter Kurer was nominated for the position vacated by Ospel after the bank suffered $37 billion (SFr37.6 billion) in subprime losses. But stinging opposition to Kurer has been highly publicised.
The next UBS chairman would be expected to steer the bank's turnaround following a disastrous 12 months. The nomination of Kurer surprised many observers because, as general counsel at UBS, he is not only an insider but has limited banking experience.
UBS chairman: Kurer replaces Ospel

Shareholders at Switzerland's biggest bank, UBS, will decide on Wednesday if its chief legal expert is a suitable replacement for Marcel Ospel as chairman of the troubled group.
Peter Kurer was nominated for the position vacated by Ospel after the bank suffered $37 billion (SFr37.6 billion) in subprime losses. But stinging opposition to Kurer has been highly publicised.
The next UBS chairman would be expected to steer the bank's turnaround following a disastrous 12 months. The nomination of Kurer surprised many observers because, as general counsel at UBS, he is not only an insider but has limited banking experience.
Sonntag, April 20, 2008
Foreign aid: Swiss top official ends his career

In an interview with swissinfo, Fust rejects criticism that the SDC is in need of reform, and mismanaged projects to benefit tsunami victims in southeast Asia four years ago.
Read the entire interview here
Foreign aid: Swiss top official ends his career

In an interview with swissinfo, Fust rejects criticism that the SDC is in need of reform, and mismanaged projects to benefit tsunami victims in southeast Asia four years ago.
Read the entire interview here
Samstag, April 19, 2008
China to reopen Tibet "soon"

China will reopen the restive mountainous region of Tibet to foreign tourists "soon" and temples will also resume religious activities, state media said on Saturday, in the wake of pro-independence protests last month.
"The Tibet tourism bureau is doing its utmost to prepare for the reopening of all tourist spots," the official China Daily cited a government statement as saying, though it did not provide an exact date.
Chinese media had reported that the region would reopen to foreign tourists from May 1, though officials have not confirmed this and a U.S.-based rights group says Beijing does not plan to allow foreigners in until after this August's Olympics.
Tourism is a vital source of cash for the impoverished region, where 4 million tourists last year flocked to see historic temples, experience Tibetan culture and enjoy breathtaking natural scenery.
More about this story HERE
China to reopen Tibet "soon"

China will reopen the restive mountainous region of Tibet to foreign tourists "soon" and temples will also resume religious activities, state media said on Saturday, in the wake of pro-independence protests last month.
"The Tibet tourism bureau is doing its utmost to prepare for the reopening of all tourist spots," the official China Daily cited a government statement as saying, though it did not provide an exact date.
Chinese media had reported that the region would reopen to foreign tourists from May 1, though officials have not confirmed this and a U.S.-based rights group says Beijing does not plan to allow foreigners in until after this August's Olympics.
Tourism is a vital source of cash for the impoverished region, where 4 million tourists last year flocked to see historic temples, experience Tibetan culture and enjoy breathtaking natural scenery.
More about this story HERE
Freitag, April 18, 2008
Türkischer Coach über Schweizer Nati

Seit dem Out der Türkei in den Entscheidungsspielen gegen die Schweiz im November 2005 für die WM 2006 in Deutschland hat sich vieles entspannt - auch Terim selber. Der Groll ist nach einer schwierigen Phase der Zuversicht gewichen.
Mehr dazu HIER
Türkischer Coach über Schweizer Nati

Seit dem Out der Türkei in den Entscheidungsspielen gegen die Schweiz im November 2005 für die WM 2006 in Deutschland hat sich vieles entspannt - auch Terim selber. Der Groll ist nach einer schwierigen Phase der Zuversicht gewichen.
Mehr dazu HIER
Donnerstag, April 17, 2008
Deutsche in der Schweiz

Immer mehr Deutsche zieht es in die Schweiz: Der kleine Nachbar im Süden ist zum beliebtesten Auswanderungsziel für Deutsche geworden. Sie arbeiten im Gastgewerbe, im Gesundheitswesen, an Universitäten. Diese "deutsche Welle" löst in der Schweiz nicht nur eitel Freude, sondern auch Ängste aus.
Was macht den Schweizer Arbeitsmarkt für Deutsche so attraktiv? Verstehen sie den Schweizer Dialekt? Und wieso werden sie nicht nur mit Begeisterung empfangen? swissinfo ist diesen Fragen nachgegangen.
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Deutsche in der Schweiz

Immer mehr Deutsche zieht es in die Schweiz: Der kleine Nachbar im Süden ist zum beliebtesten Auswanderungsziel für Deutsche geworden. Sie arbeiten im Gastgewerbe, im Gesundheitswesen, an Universitäten. Diese "deutsche Welle" löst in der Schweiz nicht nur eitel Freude, sondern auch Ängste aus.
Was macht den Schweizer Arbeitsmarkt für Deutsche so attraktiv? Verstehen sie den Schweizer Dialekt? Und wieso werden sie nicht nur mit Begeisterung empfangen? swissinfo ist diesen Fragen nachgegangen.
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Mittwoch, April 16, 2008
Der Dalai Lama besucht im Oktober Bern

Der Gemeinderat der Stadt Bern hatte Anfang Jahr beschlossen, den Dalai Lama in seiner Eigenschaft als geistliches Oberhaupt Tibets sowie als Friedensnobelpreisträger und Wissenschafter offiziell nach Bern einzuladen. Mitte Februar und damit noch vor Ausbruch der Unruhen in der tibetischen Hauptstadt Lhasa teilte der Dalai Lama mit, dass er der Einladung Folge leiste. Im März habe der Dalai Lama den Besuch erneut bestätigt, nachdem es wegen des Tibet-Konflikts zu internationalen Protesten gekommen war, heisst es in der Mitteilung.
Interreligiöse Feier im Münster
Für das Besuchsprogramm vom 13. Oktober in Bern werden derzeit verschiedene Möglichkeiten geprüft. Im Vordergrund steht eine interreligiöse Feier im Münster unter der Beteiligung des Hauses der Religionen und von Vertretern verschiedener Religionen. Dabei soll die Bevölkerung die Möglichkeit erhalten, dem Dalai Lama in einem angemessenen Rahmen zu begegnen.
Im Zusammenhang mit den Unruhen in Lhasa drückte der Gemeinderat der Stadt Bern seine Solidarität mit Tibet aus, das für den Erhalt seiner Kultur kämpft. Die Stadtregierung ersucht die chinesischen Behörden, die Menschenrechte und die Meinungsfreiheit zu respektieren und unterstützt den Dalai Lama in seinem Bestreben, den Konflikt gewaltfrei und im Dialog zu lösen. Laut der Mitteilung haben seit Anfang der 60-er Jahre rund 3500 tibetische Flüchtlinge in der Schweiz eine zweite Heimat gefunden. Damit beherbergt die Schweiz die grösste Gemeinschaft von Exil-Tibetern in Europa.
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Der Dalai Lama besucht im Oktober Bern

Der Gemeinderat der Stadt Bern hatte Anfang Jahr beschlossen, den Dalai Lama in seiner Eigenschaft als geistliches Oberhaupt Tibets sowie als Friedensnobelpreisträger und Wissenschafter offiziell nach Bern einzuladen. Mitte Februar und damit noch vor Ausbruch der Unruhen in der tibetischen Hauptstadt Lhasa teilte der Dalai Lama mit, dass er der Einladung Folge leiste. Im März habe der Dalai Lama den Besuch erneut bestätigt, nachdem es wegen des Tibet-Konflikts zu internationalen Protesten gekommen war, heisst es in der Mitteilung.
Interreligiöse Feier im Münster
Für das Besuchsprogramm vom 13. Oktober in Bern werden derzeit verschiedene Möglichkeiten geprüft. Im Vordergrund steht eine interreligiöse Feier im Münster unter der Beteiligung des Hauses der Religionen und von Vertretern verschiedener Religionen. Dabei soll die Bevölkerung die Möglichkeit erhalten, dem Dalai Lama in einem angemessenen Rahmen zu begegnen.
Im Zusammenhang mit den Unruhen in Lhasa drückte der Gemeinderat der Stadt Bern seine Solidarität mit Tibet aus, das für den Erhalt seiner Kultur kämpft. Die Stadtregierung ersucht die chinesischen Behörden, die Menschenrechte und die Meinungsfreiheit zu respektieren und unterstützt den Dalai Lama in seinem Bestreben, den Konflikt gewaltfrei und im Dialog zu lösen. Laut der Mitteilung haben seit Anfang der 60-er Jahre rund 3500 tibetische Flüchtlinge in der Schweiz eine zweite Heimat gefunden. Damit beherbergt die Schweiz die grösste Gemeinschaft von Exil-Tibetern in Europa.
Mehr dazu
Montag, April 14, 2008
Historisches Peking
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Altes Peking |
Seit 1408 begann Kaiser Yongle die Stadt unter ihrem neuen Namen Peking (Nördliche Hauptstadt) völlig neu zu erbauen. Er schuf unter anderem die Verbotene Stadt und den Himmelstempel, womit Yongle wichtige Elemente der Stadtentwicklung vorzeichnete. Im Jahre 1421 ernannte Yongle Peking zur neuen Hauptstadt der Ming-Dynastie. Während der nachfolgenden Qing-Dynastie (1644–1911) wurde die Stadt durch weitere Tempel und Paläste erweitert. Diese Periode war vom Aufstieg und Niedergang der Mandschu beziehungsweise der Qing-Dynastie gekennzeichnet.
Ihre größte Blütezeit erlebte die Hauptstadt während der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts unter den Kaisern Kangxi, Yongzheng und Qianlong. In jener Zeit errichteten die Qing nördlich der Stadt auch den legendären Sommerpalast, eine in der Welt einzigartige Gartenanlage für den Adel mit 200 Pavillons, Tempeln und Palastbauten vor der Kulisse einer weitläufigen Landschaft aus künstlich angelegten Seen und Hügeln. Gemeinsam mit dem Kaiserpalast bildete er den Mittelpunkt und das Symbol chinesischer Herrlichkeit und Machtentfaltung.
Historisches Peking
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Altes Peking |
Seit 1408 begann Kaiser Yongle die Stadt unter ihrem neuen Namen Peking (Nördliche Hauptstadt) völlig neu zu erbauen. Er schuf unter anderem die Verbotene Stadt und den Himmelstempel, womit Yongle wichtige Elemente der Stadtentwicklung vorzeichnete. Im Jahre 1421 ernannte Yongle Peking zur neuen Hauptstadt der Ming-Dynastie. Während der nachfolgenden Qing-Dynastie (1644–1911) wurde die Stadt durch weitere Tempel und Paläste erweitert. Diese Periode war vom Aufstieg und Niedergang der Mandschu beziehungsweise der Qing-Dynastie gekennzeichnet.
Ihre größte Blütezeit erlebte die Hauptstadt während der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts unter den Kaisern Kangxi, Yongzheng und Qianlong. In jener Zeit errichteten die Qing nördlich der Stadt auch den legendären Sommerpalast, eine in der Welt einzigartige Gartenanlage für den Adel mit 200 Pavillons, Tempeln und Palastbauten vor der Kulisse einer weitläufigen Landschaft aus künstlich angelegten Seen und Hügeln. Gemeinsam mit dem Kaiserpalast bildete er den Mittelpunkt und das Symbol chinesischer Herrlichkeit und Machtentfaltung.
Montag, April 07, 2008
Fee trade with China
Minister Bo Xilai met with Swiss Federal Councilor and Minister of Economics Doris Leuthard on July 8 in Beijing. They exchanged views on subjects concerning bilateral trade and economic development.
After the meeting, the two sides signed the Joint Declaration of Chinese Ministry of Commerce and Swiss Ministry of Economics. Switzerland recognized the full market economy status of China, and the two sides agreed to contribute to the assessment and research of China-Switzerland free trade zone.
Bo appreciated the comments from the Swiss side. Switzerland’s attitude showed their objective and unbiased view on Chinese market economy, and thus laid a firmer foundation and created a fairer environment for the further development of China-Switzerland economic ties. It also gave the Chinese economic world more impetus to cooperate with Swiss enterprises.
Bo encouraged Swiss companies to participate in the rejuvenation of traditional industrial sites in northeastern China, and in the development of the central and western regions. Bo explained that China had noticed Swiss government and business’s attention on China-Switzerland free trade zone, and that the two sides could conduct research and assessment concerning the problem and work toward the same goal of establishing the free trade zone.
Doris Leuthard said that Swiss government and enterprises attached much importance to economic cooperation with China and were fully confident about the prospect of Chinese economy. It was based on the perception of its promising economic reality that Switzerland recognized China’s full market economy status, Doris Leuthard said, and such an attitude would be beneficial to the two countries.
The two sides also signed Memorandum of Understanding on Establishing China-Switzerland Joint Committee Intellectual Property Team.
After the meeting, the two sides signed the Joint Declaration of Chinese Ministry of Commerce and Swiss Ministry of Economics. Switzerland recognized the full market economy status of China, and the two sides agreed to contribute to the assessment and research of China-Switzerland free trade zone.
Bo appreciated the comments from the Swiss side. Switzerland’s attitude showed their objective and unbiased view on Chinese market economy, and thus laid a firmer foundation and created a fairer environment for the further development of China-Switzerland economic ties. It also gave the Chinese economic world more impetus to cooperate with Swiss enterprises.
Bo encouraged Swiss companies to participate in the rejuvenation of traditional industrial sites in northeastern China, and in the development of the central and western regions. Bo explained that China had noticed Swiss government and business’s attention on China-Switzerland free trade zone, and that the two sides could conduct research and assessment concerning the problem and work toward the same goal of establishing the free trade zone.
Doris Leuthard said that Swiss government and enterprises attached much importance to economic cooperation with China and were fully confident about the prospect of Chinese economy. It was based on the perception of its promising economic reality that Switzerland recognized China’s full market economy status, Doris Leuthard said, and such an attitude would be beneficial to the two countries.
The two sides also signed Memorandum of Understanding on Establishing China-Switzerland Joint Committee Intellectual Property Team.
Fee trade with China
Minister Bo Xilai met with Swiss Federal Councilor and Minister of Economics Doris Leuthard on July 8 in Beijing. They exchanged views on subjects concerning bilateral trade and economic development.
After the meeting, the two sides signed the Joint Declaration of Chinese Ministry of Commerce and Swiss Ministry of Economics. Switzerland recognized the full market economy status of China, and the two sides agreed to contribute to the assessment and research of China-Switzerland free trade zone.
Bo appreciated the comments from the Swiss side. Switzerland’s attitude showed their objective and unbiased view on Chinese market economy, and thus laid a firmer foundation and created a fairer environment for the further development of China-Switzerland economic ties. It also gave the Chinese economic world more impetus to cooperate with Swiss enterprises.
Bo encouraged Swiss companies to participate in the rejuvenation of traditional industrial sites in northeastern China, and in the development of the central and western regions. Bo explained that China had noticed Swiss government and business’s attention on China-Switzerland free trade zone, and that the two sides could conduct research and assessment concerning the problem and work toward the same goal of establishing the free trade zone.
Doris Leuthard said that Swiss government and enterprises attached much importance to economic cooperation with China and were fully confident about the prospect of Chinese economy. It was based on the perception of its promising economic reality that Switzerland recognized China’s full market economy status, Doris Leuthard said, and such an attitude would be beneficial to the two countries.
The two sides also signed Memorandum of Understanding on Establishing China-Switzerland Joint Committee Intellectual Property Team.
After the meeting, the two sides signed the Joint Declaration of Chinese Ministry of Commerce and Swiss Ministry of Economics. Switzerland recognized the full market economy status of China, and the two sides agreed to contribute to the assessment and research of China-Switzerland free trade zone.
Bo appreciated the comments from the Swiss side. Switzerland’s attitude showed their objective and unbiased view on Chinese market economy, and thus laid a firmer foundation and created a fairer environment for the further development of China-Switzerland economic ties. It also gave the Chinese economic world more impetus to cooperate with Swiss enterprises.
Bo encouraged Swiss companies to participate in the rejuvenation of traditional industrial sites in northeastern China, and in the development of the central and western regions. Bo explained that China had noticed Swiss government and business’s attention on China-Switzerland free trade zone, and that the two sides could conduct research and assessment concerning the problem and work toward the same goal of establishing the free trade zone.
Doris Leuthard said that Swiss government and enterprises attached much importance to economic cooperation with China and were fully confident about the prospect of Chinese economy. It was based on the perception of its promising economic reality that Switzerland recognized China’s full market economy status, Doris Leuthard said, and such an attitude would be beneficial to the two countries.
The two sides also signed Memorandum of Understanding on Establishing China-Switzerland Joint Committee Intellectual Property Team.
Donnerstag, April 03, 2008
Dalai Lama's silly 'monk business'
To give you an idea of the aggressiv campaign of chinese medias against the Dalai Lama: Here is a column from the Shanghai Daily News:
THE Dalai Lama always describes himself as "a simple monk," but what he has done in indicates that he is also a politician who goes around the world doing things that don't square with his words.
It's hard to imagine that a simple monk could be so busy on the world stage. Currently on his agenda are trips to Seattle, London and Nantes.
During his travels, he's expected to meet high-ranking officials including British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
These are just some of his global travels over the past five decades.
In 1951, the Chinese government signed a 17-point agreement with Tibetan representatives. The Dalai Lama later telegraphed Chairman Mao Zedong, saying the local Tibetan government and Tibetan monks supported the central government's leadership.
On October 1, 1958, Dalai Lama wrote in the People's Daily, in his role as a vice chairman of the top legislature, the National People's Congress, that the Tibetans had enjoyed full freedom and equality since returning to the motherland.
However, several months later, the Dalai Lama supported an armed insurgency in Tibet. He fled to India after it failed and formed a "government in exile.''
Since then, he has betrayed his home country and fellow Tibetans time and again with repeated calls to separate Tibet from China, which is far beyond what a simple monk would do.
He is preaching "peace" and "human compassion" and seeking "benefits" for the Tibetans when he shuttles around the world by air, receiving accolades here and there.
But the self-proclaimed spiritual leader has obviously forgotten his identity, abused his religion and played too much politics.
He has never renounced the "Tibetan Exile Constitution," an outlawed document similar to the "Future Tibet Constitution" drafted in 1963, which proclaimed the establishment of an "ethnically unified state led by the Dalai Lama.''
In 1987 and 1988, he proposed a "Five Point Peace Plan" in the US Congress and a "New Seven-point Proposal" in the European Parliament, supporting Tibetan independence.
In recent years, the Dalai Lama has repeated that he did not seek independence but instead sought a high degree of autonomy for Tibet within the framework of the Chinese Constitution.
Under the Dalai Lama's autonomy claim, Chinese troops should leave Tibet. Also, Tibet could maintain diplomatic relations with other countries, which is tantamount to admitting Tibet's independence.
Meanwhile, the Dalai Lama is expanding his pro-independence infrastructure. His 13th government in exile, established in 2006, has seven ministries. In 1959, his first such government had only four ministries.
To make this government in exile status more credible, the Dalai Lama and his supporters produced a "Tibetan national anthem" and "Tibetan national flag," which had never existed before 1959.
During the latest riots in Lhasa, he dissociated himself from the conspiracy as an innocent monk. The New York Times said "the Dalai Lama was a poor and poorly advised political strategist.''
If the Dalai Lama, 73, wishes to be a simple Buddhist monk, it's high time for him to stop playing politics and cheating people, Westerners in particular.
(The author is a writer at Xinhua news agency.)
THE Dalai Lama always describes himself as "a simple monk," but what he has done in indicates that he is also a politician who goes around the world doing things that don't square with his words.
It's hard to imagine that a simple monk could be so busy on the world stage. Currently on his agenda are trips to Seattle, London and Nantes.
During his travels, he's expected to meet high-ranking officials including British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
These are just some of his global travels over the past five decades.
In 1951, the Chinese government signed a 17-point agreement with Tibetan representatives. The Dalai Lama later telegraphed Chairman Mao Zedong, saying the local Tibetan government and Tibetan monks supported the central government's leadership.
On October 1, 1958, Dalai Lama wrote in the People's Daily, in his role as a vice chairman of the top legislature, the National People's Congress, that the Tibetans had enjoyed full freedom and equality since returning to the motherland.
However, several months later, the Dalai Lama supported an armed insurgency in Tibet. He fled to India after it failed and formed a "government in exile.''
Since then, he has betrayed his home country and fellow Tibetans time and again with repeated calls to separate Tibet from China, which is far beyond what a simple monk would do.
He is preaching "peace" and "human compassion" and seeking "benefits" for the Tibetans when he shuttles around the world by air, receiving accolades here and there.
But the self-proclaimed spiritual leader has obviously forgotten his identity, abused his religion and played too much politics.
He has never renounced the "Tibetan Exile Constitution," an outlawed document similar to the "Future Tibet Constitution" drafted in 1963, which proclaimed the establishment of an "ethnically unified state led by the Dalai Lama.''
In 1987 and 1988, he proposed a "Five Point Peace Plan" in the US Congress and a "New Seven-point Proposal" in the European Parliament, supporting Tibetan independence.
In recent years, the Dalai Lama has repeated that he did not seek independence but instead sought a high degree of autonomy for Tibet within the framework of the Chinese Constitution.
Under the Dalai Lama's autonomy claim, Chinese troops should leave Tibet. Also, Tibet could maintain diplomatic relations with other countries, which is tantamount to admitting Tibet's independence.
Meanwhile, the Dalai Lama is expanding his pro-independence infrastructure. His 13th government in exile, established in 2006, has seven ministries. In 1959, his first such government had only four ministries.
To make this government in exile status more credible, the Dalai Lama and his supporters produced a "Tibetan national anthem" and "Tibetan national flag," which had never existed before 1959.
During the latest riots in Lhasa, he dissociated himself from the conspiracy as an innocent monk. The New York Times said "the Dalai Lama was a poor and poorly advised political strategist.''
If the Dalai Lama, 73, wishes to be a simple Buddhist monk, it's high time for him to stop playing politics and cheating people, Westerners in particular.
(The author is a writer at Xinhua news agency.)
Dalai Lama's silly 'monk business'
To give you an idea of the aggressiv campaign of chinese medias against the Dalai Lama: Here is a column from the Shanghai Daily News:
THE Dalai Lama always describes himself as "a simple monk," but what he has done in indicates that he is also a politician who goes around the world doing things that don't square with his words.
It's hard to imagine that a simple monk could be so busy on the world stage. Currently on his agenda are trips to Seattle, London and Nantes.
During his travels, he's expected to meet high-ranking officials including British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
These are just some of his global travels over the past five decades.
In 1951, the Chinese government signed a 17-point agreement with Tibetan representatives. The Dalai Lama later telegraphed Chairman Mao Zedong, saying the local Tibetan government and Tibetan monks supported the central government's leadership.
On October 1, 1958, Dalai Lama wrote in the People's Daily, in his role as a vice chairman of the top legislature, the National People's Congress, that the Tibetans had enjoyed full freedom and equality since returning to the motherland.
However, several months later, the Dalai Lama supported an armed insurgency in Tibet. He fled to India after it failed and formed a "government in exile.''
Since then, he has betrayed his home country and fellow Tibetans time and again with repeated calls to separate Tibet from China, which is far beyond what a simple monk would do.
He is preaching "peace" and "human compassion" and seeking "benefits" for the Tibetans when he shuttles around the world by air, receiving accolades here and there.
But the self-proclaimed spiritual leader has obviously forgotten his identity, abused his religion and played too much politics.
He has never renounced the "Tibetan Exile Constitution," an outlawed document similar to the "Future Tibet Constitution" drafted in 1963, which proclaimed the establishment of an "ethnically unified state led by the Dalai Lama.''
In 1987 and 1988, he proposed a "Five Point Peace Plan" in the US Congress and a "New Seven-point Proposal" in the European Parliament, supporting Tibetan independence.
In recent years, the Dalai Lama has repeated that he did not seek independence but instead sought a high degree of autonomy for Tibet within the framework of the Chinese Constitution.
Under the Dalai Lama's autonomy claim, Chinese troops should leave Tibet. Also, Tibet could maintain diplomatic relations with other countries, which is tantamount to admitting Tibet's independence.
Meanwhile, the Dalai Lama is expanding his pro-independence infrastructure. His 13th government in exile, established in 2006, has seven ministries. In 1959, his first such government had only four ministries.
To make this government in exile status more credible, the Dalai Lama and his supporters produced a "Tibetan national anthem" and "Tibetan national flag," which had never existed before 1959.
During the latest riots in Lhasa, he dissociated himself from the conspiracy as an innocent monk. The New York Times said "the Dalai Lama was a poor and poorly advised political strategist.''
If the Dalai Lama, 73, wishes to be a simple Buddhist monk, it's high time for him to stop playing politics and cheating people, Westerners in particular.
(The author is a writer at Xinhua news agency.)
THE Dalai Lama always describes himself as "a simple monk," but what he has done in indicates that he is also a politician who goes around the world doing things that don't square with his words.
It's hard to imagine that a simple monk could be so busy on the world stage. Currently on his agenda are trips to Seattle, London and Nantes.
During his travels, he's expected to meet high-ranking officials including British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
These are just some of his global travels over the past five decades.
In 1951, the Chinese government signed a 17-point agreement with Tibetan representatives. The Dalai Lama later telegraphed Chairman Mao Zedong, saying the local Tibetan government and Tibetan monks supported the central government's leadership.
On October 1, 1958, Dalai Lama wrote in the People's Daily, in his role as a vice chairman of the top legislature, the National People's Congress, that the Tibetans had enjoyed full freedom and equality since returning to the motherland.
However, several months later, the Dalai Lama supported an armed insurgency in Tibet. He fled to India after it failed and formed a "government in exile.''
Since then, he has betrayed his home country and fellow Tibetans time and again with repeated calls to separate Tibet from China, which is far beyond what a simple monk would do.
He is preaching "peace" and "human compassion" and seeking "benefits" for the Tibetans when he shuttles around the world by air, receiving accolades here and there.
But the self-proclaimed spiritual leader has obviously forgotten his identity, abused his religion and played too much politics.
He has never renounced the "Tibetan Exile Constitution," an outlawed document similar to the "Future Tibet Constitution" drafted in 1963, which proclaimed the establishment of an "ethnically unified state led by the Dalai Lama.''
In 1987 and 1988, he proposed a "Five Point Peace Plan" in the US Congress and a "New Seven-point Proposal" in the European Parliament, supporting Tibetan independence.
In recent years, the Dalai Lama has repeated that he did not seek independence but instead sought a high degree of autonomy for Tibet within the framework of the Chinese Constitution.
Under the Dalai Lama's autonomy claim, Chinese troops should leave Tibet. Also, Tibet could maintain diplomatic relations with other countries, which is tantamount to admitting Tibet's independence.
Meanwhile, the Dalai Lama is expanding his pro-independence infrastructure. His 13th government in exile, established in 2006, has seven ministries. In 1959, his first such government had only four ministries.
To make this government in exile status more credible, the Dalai Lama and his supporters produced a "Tibetan national anthem" and "Tibetan national flag," which had never existed before 1959.
During the latest riots in Lhasa, he dissociated himself from the conspiracy as an innocent monk. The New York Times said "the Dalai Lama was a poor and poorly advised political strategist.''
If the Dalai Lama, 73, wishes to be a simple Buddhist monk, it's high time for him to stop playing politics and cheating people, Westerners in particular.
(The author is a writer at Xinhua news agency.)
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