Mittwoch, Dezember 31, 2008
Schweizer Regierung 2009
Der Bundesrat in corpore (von links nach rechts): Bundesrat Ueli Maurer, Bundesrätin Micheline Calmy-Rey, Bundesrat Moritz Leuenberger, Bundespräsident Hans-Rudolf Merz, Bundesrätin Doris Leuthard (Vizepräsidentin), Bundesrat Pascal Couchepin, Bundesrätin Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf, Bundeskanzlerin Corina Casanova.
Schweizer Regierung 2009
Der Bundesrat in corpore (von links nach rechts): Bundesrat Ueli Maurer, Bundesrätin Micheline Calmy-Rey, Bundesrat Moritz Leuenberger, Bundespräsident Hans-Rudolf Merz, Bundesrätin Doris Leuthard (Vizepräsidentin), Bundesrat Pascal Couchepin, Bundesrätin Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf, Bundeskanzlerin Corina Casanova.
Montag, Dezember 29, 2008
Michel Mayor und Didier Queloz entdecken Planeten ausserhalb des Sonnensystems - swissinfo
1995 machten zwei Schweizer Astrophysiker an der Universität Genf eine Entdeckung, welche die moderne Astronomie revolutionieren sollte: Michel Mayor, Professor für Astrophysik, und der Doktorand Didier Queloz beobachteten den ersten Planeten ausserhalb unseres Sonnensystems auf seiner Umlaufbahn um einen Stern in einer Entfernung von 42 Lichtjahren. Zwölf Jahre später entdeckten sie Gliese 581 c, einen grossen terrestrischen extrasolaren Planeten, der um den Roten Zwerg Gliese 581 kreist. Nun untersuchen sie, ob auf diesem erdähnlichen Planeten lebensfreundliche Bedingungen herrschen. (Die Reihe "SCIENCEsuisse" ist eine nationale Serie der SRG SSR idée suisse.)
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Michel Mayor und Didier Queloz entdecken Planeten ausserhalb des Sonnensystems - swissinfo
1995 machten zwei Schweizer Astrophysiker an der Universität Genf eine Entdeckung, welche die moderne Astronomie revolutionieren sollte: Michel Mayor, Professor für Astrophysik, und der Doktorand Didier Queloz beobachteten den ersten Planeten ausserhalb unseres Sonnensystems auf seiner Umlaufbahn um einen Stern in einer Entfernung von 42 Lichtjahren. Zwölf Jahre später entdeckten sie Gliese 581 c, einen grossen terrestrischen extrasolaren Planeten, der um den Roten Zwerg Gliese 581 kreist. Nun untersuchen sie, ob auf diesem erdähnlichen Planeten lebensfreundliche Bedingungen herrschen. (Die Reihe "SCIENCEsuisse" ist eine nationale Serie der SRG SSR idée suisse.)
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Sonntag, Dezember 28, 2008
Behind the scenes at Balthasar+Co, Switzerland's biggest candle producer - swissinfo
Waste products from the oil industry are being used to spread a little cheer in Switzerland. At the Balthasar+Co candle factory in Hochdorf, central Switzerland, paraffin from China is being converted into candles for the winter market. (swissinfo, Julie Hunt)
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Behind the scenes at Balthasar+Co, Switzerland's biggest candle producer - swissinfo
Waste products from the oil industry are being used to spread a little cheer in Switzerland. At the Balthasar+Co candle factory in Hochdorf, central Switzerland, paraffin from China is being converted into candles for the winter market. (swissinfo, Julie Hunt)
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Othmar Keel, führender Gelehrter der Kunst des Alten Orients und ihrer Bibelbezüge - swissinfo
Professor Othmar Keel aus Freiburg ist ein führender Gelehrter der Kunst des Alten Orients und ihrer Bezüge zur Bibel. Er ist Mitbegründer der Sammlung "Bibel & Orient" an der Universität Freiburg, die rund 14'000 Objekte enthält, mehrheitlich Miniaturkunst aus dem Nahen Osten und dem Alten Ägypten. Seine Forschung, die auf archäologischen Funden beruht, hat zu einem neuen Verständnis biblischer Texte geführt.
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Othmar Keel, führender Gelehrter der Kunst des Alten Orients und ihrer Bibelbezüge - swissinfo
Professor Othmar Keel aus Freiburg ist ein führender Gelehrter der Kunst des Alten Orients und ihrer Bezüge zur Bibel. Er ist Mitbegründer der Sammlung "Bibel & Orient" an der Universität Freiburg, die rund 14'000 Objekte enthält, mehrheitlich Miniaturkunst aus dem Nahen Osten und dem Alten Ägypten. Seine Forschung, die auf archäologischen Funden beruht, hat zu einem neuen Verständnis biblischer Texte geführt.
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Dienstag, Dezember 23, 2008
Santa express - swissinfo
Simon Bradley finds out why 18,000 children take the train each December to the top of Rochers-de-Naye mountain high above Montreux.
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Santa express - swissinfo
Simon Bradley finds out why 18,000 children take the train each December to the top of Rochers-de-Naye mountain high above Montreux.
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Mittwoch, Dezember 03, 2008
Swiss ornothologists in Lauwil tag birds heading south. - swissinfo
This applies to cars, trucks, trains – and also birds. Every year, millions of migrating birds pass through Swiss airspace on their way south. An observation post has been set up in the northern village of Lauwil by the Swiss ornithological station. For the rest of October, migrating birds will be observed, registered and ringed. (SF/swissinfo)
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Swiss ornothologists in Lauwil tag birds heading south. - swissinfo
This applies to cars, trucks, trains – and also birds. Every year, millions of migrating birds pass through Swiss airspace on their way south. An observation post has been set up in the northern village of Lauwil by the Swiss ornithological station. For the rest of October, migrating birds will be observed, registered and ringed. (SF/swissinfo)
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Samstag, November 29, 2008
Upstage - swissinfo
The Upstage English Theatre group of Bern has staged nearly 50 productions since it started life back in 1982 - everything from comedy to classical plays and musicals. Volunteers work for months on end for each production. Julie Hunt crept behind the curtains at the Käfigturm Theatre in Bern to find out what keeps the team coming back for more. (swissinfo, Julie Hunt)
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Upstage - swissinfo
The Upstage English Theatre group of Bern has staged nearly 50 productions since it started life back in 1982 - everything from comedy to classical plays and musicals. Volunteers work for months on end for each production. Julie Hunt crept behind the curtains at the Käfigturm Theatre in Bern to find out what keeps the team coming back for more. (swissinfo, Julie Hunt)
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Mittwoch, November 26, 2008
Denis Duboule is a world-renowned specialist in developmental genetics. He was one of the first to take an interest in Hox or Architect genes, revealing their essential role in limb formation. In his laboratory at Geneva University, he studies the differences between vertebrates, which include mammals, and invertebrates, from which vertebrates derive. His findings have important implications for understanding the evolution of species.
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Denis Duboule is a world-renowned specialist in developmental genetics. He was one of the first to take an interest in Hox or Architect genes, revealing their essential role in limb formation. In his laboratory at Geneva University, he studies the differences between vertebrates, which include mammals, and invertebrates, from which vertebrates derive. His findings have important implications for understanding the evolution of species.
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Freitag, Oktober 03, 2008
Dienstag, September 16, 2008
Oldest wooden chairlift in the world. Last ride in Kandersteg, Switzerland. - swissinfo
After carrying tourists up and down the mountain in Kandersteg for over 60 years, one of the oldest wooden chairlifts of its kind in the world has gone into retirement. The best efforts of heritage groups were unable to stop its dismantling. (SF/swissinfo)
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Oldest wooden chairlift in the world. Last ride in Kandersteg, Switzerland. - swissinfo
After carrying tourists up and down the mountain in Kandersteg for over 60 years, one of the oldest wooden chairlifts of its kind in the world has gone into retirement. The best efforts of heritage groups were unable to stop its dismantling. (SF/swissinfo)
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Freitag, September 12, 2008
Swiss tennis champion Roger Federer returns home to Basel with Olympic gold and the US Open trophy. - swissinfo
Thousands of fans gathered on the market square in Basel to welcome Roger Federer home and celebrate his success. After a difficult season, the tennis star is happy to return home with Olympic gold and the US Open trophy. (SF1)
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Swiss tennis champion Roger Federer returns home to Basel with Olympic gold and the US Open trophy. - swissinfo
Thousands of fans gathered on the market square in Basel to welcome Roger Federer home and celebrate his success. After a difficult season, the tennis star is happy to return home with Olympic gold and the US Open trophy. (SF1)
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Swiss tennis champion Roger Federer returns home to Basel with Olympic gold and the US Open trophy. - swissinfo
Thousands of fans gathered on the market square in Basel to welcome Roger Federer home and celebrate his success. After a difficult season, the tennis star is happy to return home with Olympic gold and the US Open trophy. (SF1)
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Swiss tennis champion Roger Federer returns home to Basel with Olympic gold and the US Open trophy. - swissinfo
Thousands of fans gathered on the market square in Basel to welcome Roger Federer home and celebrate his success. After a difficult season, the tennis star is happy to return home with Olympic gold and the US Open trophy. (SF1)
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Donnerstag, September 11, 2008
Cern is launching the Large Hadron Collider LHC to re-enact the "Big Bang". - swissinfo
The LHC is housed in a 27-kilometre tunnel beneath the French-Swiss border near Geneva and is the world's largest and most complex scientific instrument. It smashes protons at almost the speed of light, recreating conditions a fraction of a second after the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago. (Cern/swissinfo)
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Cern is launching the Large Hadron Collider LHC to re-enact the "Big Bang". - swissinfo
The LHC is housed in a 27-kilometre tunnel beneath the French-Swiss border near Geneva and is the world's largest and most complex scientific instrument. It smashes protons at almost the speed of light, recreating conditions a fraction of a second after the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago. (Cern/swissinfo)
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Dienstag, September 09, 2008
A visit to what could be the largest dumping ground for old cars in Europe. - swissinfo
Car graveyard
Dale Bechtel visits a dumping ground for old cars, which may be the largest of its kind in Europe.
The authorities have ordered the clearing of the site near Bern by the end of the year, saying it no longer meets environmental standards. But the lot is also a fertile ground for rare flora and fauna. (pictures: Karen Cordes)
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A visit to what could be the largest dumping ground for old cars in Europe. - swissinfo
Car graveyard
Dale Bechtel visits a dumping ground for old cars, which may be the largest of its kind in Europe.
The authorities have ordered the clearing of the site near Bern by the end of the year, saying it no longer meets environmental standards. But the lot is also a fertile ground for rare flora and fauna. (pictures: Karen Cordes)
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Breeding snails on an organic farm in Steinen, central Switzerland. - swissinfo
Lucky snails
Molluscs make a mint.
Josef und Silvia Beeler have an unusual occupation. They breed snails on their organic farm in Steinen, central Switzerland. The molluscs could soon help the Beelers make their fortune, as they're about to be offered as delicacies in upmarket restaurants. (SF/swissinfo)
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Breeding snails on an organic farm in Steinen, central Switzerland. - swissinfo
Lucky snails
Molluscs make a mint.
Josef und Silvia Beeler have an unusual occupation. They breed snails on their organic farm in Steinen, central Switzerland. The molluscs could soon help the Beelers make their fortune, as they're about to be offered as delicacies in upmarket restaurants. (SF/swissinfo)
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Freitag, September 05, 2008
Old and forgotten movies come back to life at Bern's 'Lichtspiel' cinema museum and film archive. - swissinfo
The Lichtspiel cinema in Bern takes you on a magical journey back through time, lovingly recalling the early days of silent movies, and charting the development of film through the ages. (swissinfo, Michele Andina)
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Old and forgotten movies come back to life at Bern's 'Lichtspiel' cinema museum and film archive. - swissinfo
The Lichtspiel cinema in Bern takes you on a magical journey back through time, lovingly recalling the early days of silent movies, and charting the development of film through the ages. (swissinfo, Michele Andina)
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Donnerstag, September 04, 2008
Rent a Rodent - swissinfo
From this week on, Swiss pet owners are no longer allowed to keep single canaries, parrots, rats, mice and guinea pigs. New regulations dictate that these social animals must be kept in groups. But what if one of a pair dies? An enterprising breeder has the answer – rent a replacement. (SF/swissinfo)
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Rent a Rodent - swissinfo
From this week on, Swiss pet owners are no longer allowed to keep single canaries, parrots, rats, mice and guinea pigs. New regulations dictate that these social animals must be kept in groups. But what if one of a pair dies? An enterprising breeder has the answer – rent a replacement. (SF/swissinfo)
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Dienstag, September 02, 2008
Swissair crash 1998 Halifax Nova Scotia - swissinfo
September 3, 1998: Swissair flight SR111 crashes off the coast of Canada, killing all 229 passengers and crew. It is the worst accident in Swiss civil aviation history, and causes shockwaves in both Switzerland and Canada. (SF/swissinfo)
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Swissair crash 1998 Halifax Nova Scotia - swissinfo
September 3, 1998: Swissair flight SR111 crashes off the coast of Canada, killing all 229 passengers and crew. It is the worst accident in Swiss civil aviation history, and causes shockwaves in both Switzerland and Canada. (SF/swissinfo)
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Fuse Factory - swissinfo
Fuse Factory is a three-person electro pop act based in Lausanne and is made up of an American, Swiss and a Frenchwoman.
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Fuse Factory - swissinfo
Fuse Factory is a three-person electro pop act based in Lausanne and is made up of an American, Swiss and a Frenchwoman.
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Fuse Factory - swissinfo
Fuse Factory is a three-person electro pop act based in Lausanne and is made up of an American, Swiss and a Frenchwoman.
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Fuse Factory - swissinfo
Fuse Factory is a three-person electro pop act based in Lausanne and is made up of an American, Swiss and a Frenchwoman.
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Samstag, August 30, 2008
Gregory Chapuisat and his brother create installations that challenge viewers to become explorers of strange spaces - swissinfo
Playing with contrasts like inside/outside, hard/soft, Swiss artist Gregory Chapuisat creates challenging installations that turn the visitor into an explorer of secret passages and other mysterious places. (swissinfo, Raffaella Rossello)
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Gregory Chapuisat and his brother create installations that challenge viewers to become explorers of strange spaces - swissinfo
Playing with contrasts like inside/outside, hard/soft, Swiss artist Gregory Chapuisat creates challenging installations that turn the visitor into an explorer of secret passages and other mysterious places. (swissinfo, Raffaella Rossello)
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50 Jahre Soliswiss - swissinfo
Hilfe für AuslandschweizerInnen in Not
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50 Jahre Soliswiss - swissinfo
Hilfe für AuslandschweizerInnen in Not
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Freitag, August 29, 2008
Robots run first fully automated car park in Frauenfeld - swissinfo
Finding a suitable parking spot in a multi story car park can be frustrating and time consuming. The Swiss have come up with a new way to dispel the parking blues – a car park in which robots do the work for you. Swiss TV tested out the newly opened building in Frauenfeld, eastern Switzerland. (swissinfo)
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Robots run first fully automated car park in Frauenfeld - swissinfo
Finding a suitable parking spot in a multi story car park can be frustrating and time consuming. The Swiss have come up with a new way to dispel the parking blues – a car park in which robots do the work for you. Swiss TV tested out the newly opened building in Frauenfeld, eastern Switzerland. (swissinfo)
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Montag, August 25, 2008
Auslandschweizer über swissinfo - swissinfo
The opinion from our users about swissinfo. Statements made at the ASO convention in Fribourg.
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Auslandschweizer über swissinfo - swissinfo
The opinion from our users about swissinfo. Statements made at the ASO convention in Fribourg.
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Hiking in Vals, Graubünden, thermal baths region and mountain walkers' paradise - swissinfo
Vals is famous in Switzerland for its mineral water. But the region, not far from the Italian border, has much more to offer the visitor. A day outing with a local guide and a few breathless mountain lovers. (swissinfo, Raffaella Rossello and Michele Andina).
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Hiking in Vals, Graubünden, thermal baths region and mountain walkers' paradise - swissinfo
Vals is famous in Switzerland for its mineral water. But the region, not far from the Italian border, has much more to offer the visitor. A day outing with a local guide and a few breathless mountain lovers. (swissinfo, Raffaella Rossello and Michele Andina).
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Freitag, August 22, 2008
Discovering whales and dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea - A journey across the Pelagos Sanctuary for marine mammals with the Swiss conservation organisation OceanCare - swissinfo
Until recently I knew nothing about the dolphins and whales living in the Mediterranean. Then in July I accompanied the Swiss marine mammal conservation organisation "OceanCare" on a research journey through the so-called Pelagos Sanctuary for Mediterranean marine mammals. I discovered a lot I didn't expect to find. (swissinfo, Michele Andina)
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Discovering whales and dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea - A journey across the Pelagos Sanctuary for marine mammals with the Swiss conservation organisation OceanCare - swissinfo
Until recently I knew nothing about the dolphins and whales living in the Mediterranean. Then in July I accompanied the Swiss marine mammal conservation organisation "OceanCare" on a research journey through the so-called Pelagos Sanctuary for Mediterranean marine mammals. I discovered a lot I didn't expect to find. (swissinfo, Michele Andina)
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Mittwoch, August 20, 2008
Geocaching invades Switzerland's forests. - swissinfo
More and more Swiss are discovering the trend sport geocaching – a modern treasure hunt with the aid of GPS devices. But not everybody is happy about the increasing numbers of people roaming the forests.
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Geocaching invades Switzerland's forests. - swissinfo
More and more Swiss are discovering the trend sport geocaching – a modern treasure hunt with the aid of GPS devices. But not everybody is happy about the increasing numbers of people roaming the forests.
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Sonntag, August 17, 2008
Samstag, August 16, 2008
swissinfo on TV
SF-Tagesschau about Gaddhafi and the role of swissinfo in this conflict.
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swissinfo on TV
SF-Tagesschau about Gaddhafi and the role of swissinfo in this conflict.
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Freitag, August 15, 2008
Discovering whales and dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea - A journey across the Pelagos Sanctuary for marine mammals with the Swiss conservation organisation OceanCare - swissinfo
interesting video by swissinfo
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Discovering whales and dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea - A journey across the Pelagos Sanctuary for marine mammals with the Swiss conservation organisation OceanCare - swissinfo
interesting video by swissinfo
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Mittwoch, August 13, 2008
Montag, August 11, 2008
Charles the Bold and Burgundian life exhibition at Bern's Historical Museum, Medieval spectacle, jousting tournaments, Switzerland - swissinfo
What a wonderful show......
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Charles the Bold and Burgundian life exhibition at Bern's Historical Museum, Medieval spectacle, jousting tournaments, Switzerland - swissinfo
What a wonderful show......
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Donnerstag, August 07, 2008
Tattoo in Basel
The Swiss Showband is performing alongside the world's most prestigious military formations at this year's military tattoo in Basel. The 130-strong music/dance team was recruited from across German speaking Switzerland, and has been practicing its unique show for a year now. (swissinfo, Julie Hunt)
Tattoo in Basel
The Swiss Showband is performing alongside the world's most prestigious military formations at this year's military tattoo in Basel. The 130-strong music/dance team was recruited from across German speaking Switzerland, and has been practicing its unique show for a year now. (swissinfo, Julie Hunt)
Baby names get shorter and sweeter
Luca was the most popular boy's name in Switzerland in 2007, ranking high in all four national language regions, with Sara or Sarah the favourite for girls.
Full article
Baby names get shorter and sweeter
Luca was the most popular boy's name in Switzerland in 2007, ranking high in all four national language regions, with Sara or Sarah the favourite for girls.
Full article
Dienstag, August 05, 2008
Montag, August 04, 2008
Sonntag, August 03, 2008
Jumping from the bridge
Es soll angeblich immer wieder Spinner geben, die springen von der 22 Meter hohen Monbijoubrücke in die Aare. Der Bund bringt heute Samstag einen Artikel und liefert den Videobeweis. Wahnsinn. Die Leute setzen ihr Leben aufs Spiel. Häne, no deal for you. Don't even think of doing this.
Jumping from the bridge
Es soll angeblich immer wieder Spinner geben, die springen von der 22 Meter hohen Monbijoubrücke in die Aare. Der Bund bringt heute Samstag einen Artikel und liefert den Videobeweis. Wahnsinn. Die Leute setzen ihr Leben aufs Spiel. Häne, no deal for you. Don't even think of doing this.
Samstag, August 02, 2008
Freitag, August 01, 2008
Donnerstag, Juli 31, 2008
Interlaken, capital of outdoor adventure sports, like canyoning, rafting, bungee jumping, downhill biking - swissinfo
In the summer months, the region around the resort town of Interlaken turns into a giant outdoor fun park. Tens of thousands of tourists, many of them young people, come here for the thrill of adventure sport. Journalist Justin Häne tried canyoning for the first time. (swissinfo, Raffaella Rossello/Justin Häne)
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Interlaken, capital of outdoor adventure sports, like canyoning, rafting, bungee jumping, downhill biking - swissinfo
In the summer months, the region around the resort town of Interlaken turns into a giant outdoor fun park. Tens of thousands of tourists, many of them young people, come here for the thrill of adventure sport. Journalist Justin Häne tried canyoning for the first time. (swissinfo, Raffaella Rossello/Justin Häne)
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Montag, Juli 28, 2008
Donnerstag, Juli 24, 2008
Relocation in Basel - Furnished flats and houses
Interesting movie about a relocation company in Basel.
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Relocation in Basel - Furnished flats and houses
Interesting movie about a relocation company in Basel.
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Mittwoch, Juli 23, 2008
Dienstag, Juli 22, 2008
Montag, Juli 21, 2008
Sonntag, Juli 20, 2008
Samstag, Juli 19, 2008
Freitag, Juli 18, 2008
Swiss Showband warmly welcomed at Basel Tattoo. - swissinfo
Check this video. It is great.
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